Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Act 3

Things are still going well with Othello and I, but last night he made a decision that I was not quite fond of. His loyal lieutenant, and a dear friend of mine, Michael Cassio got himself into a fight with Montano, the Governor of Cyprus. I believe it indeed was a great mistake, but Cassio is worthy of his job. Cassio, knowing that I am a good friend to him, came to me and asked me for help. I assured him that I would do the best of my abilities, and I was sure that my beloved Othello would trust my opinion. Once I saw Othello I immeadiately began my plea to get Cassio back his job, but Othello appeared to have no interest in the subject and continued to grow irrated; to which I do not know why.
 Quick to change the subject, Othello told me the story about the handkerchief he had given me. I   found this a little strange, or a coincidence to say, that he would tell me this story, since I had lost the handkerchief that very day. Still, he told me the history of the item. His mother had given it to him on her deathbed, and she told him that she had bought it from a sorcerer. The sorcerer put a magic spell on the handkerchief that meant whomever the handkerchief was given to, the love between those two people would last forever. He went on to tell me that if the handkerchief were to be given away or lost, the love would be broken. I felt so terrible after he told me this. The guilt tore away at me due to my great love for Othello. I never meant to lose the handkerchief, and I hope he does not believe that our love is broken. I began to assure him that everything was alright, but he took of in a rage. He has been quite distant and angry today, and I do not know why. Stunned I told Emilia:          I ne’er saw this before.
                                                                                Sure there’s some wonder in this handkerchief;
                                                                                I am most unhappy in the loss of it. (III.iv. 95-97)
When Emilia, my best girlfriend, saw Othello in his rage, she went on a rant about how terrible men are. She believes that all they do is get want they want from women and than throw them away. I, however, do not believe this is true at all. Othello proves himself to be a great man, and is constantly showing his love for me. I believe every man has the capability to truly love a woman, and they aren’t all evil.

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