Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Act 4

It saddens me greatly, my dear Othello place his hand upon my face in an unjust, unloving manner today while I spent time with my father’s friend Lodovico. Tears streamed from my face as he stood there with pure hatred. I cannot possibly understand what I have done to anger him. Upon leaving, he insulted me and upsetting me further. Othello yelled “O devil, devil! If that the earth could teem with woman’s tears, each drop she falls would prove a crocodile. Out of my sight!”(4.1.233-234) at me. I truly appreciate my good friend Emilia supporting me afterwards and defending my honor towards Othello. He wrongly accused me of lying with another man. I do not understand the origins of these false accusations. My husband even threw coins at me, to strengthen his point of calling me a whore. It upsets me dearly; I am an honest and loyal wife. I am glad I have Iago to go to for advice on the situation. He is a good an honest man. Later that evening, Emilia helped me prepare for bed. I sang my favorite song my mother used to sing to me, called “Willow”. Afterwards, we discussed our opinion of men; hers differed from my own immensely. She compared them to stomachs that eat us and belch us. Personally, I love Othello, and know men are not God’s but they do appreciate and care for women. I dismissed Emilia and proceeded to bed.

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